Parish Activities
First Friday Visits to the Housebound
Communion is brought to our ill or housebound parishioners normally on the First Friday of every month. If you, or someone you know, would like a First Friday visit, please let us know by contacting the Parish Office at 01-452 4702 or email:
Weekly Eucharistic Adoration continues
We have Eucharistic Adoration every Friday for one hour from 10.30 am (after 10.00 Mass) until 11.30 am. All are welcome for quiet prayer.
Evening and Morning Rosary
Monday evening Rosary for our young people's faith: Concerned about reluctance of many young people to embrace the faith? If so, please join us on Monday evenings at 6.00 pm in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Ballycullen Avenue, to pray the Rosary for this special intention. It will take only 15 minutes or so. All are welcome. Please enter by the Parish Office Door).
Weekday morning Rosary: After 10.00 am Mass each morning the Rosary is prayed by an ad hoc group of parishioners at the back of the church. Anyone who would like to join in is very welcome.
Bethany Bereavement Support Group
Have you been bereaved by the loss of a loved one? Firhouse Bethany Bereavement Support Group is holding a series of open meetings for bereaved persons on the 3rd Monday of each month from 7.30 pm to 8.45 pm. For enquiries about these meetings or any other aspect of the work of the Bethany Bereavement Support Group, please contact the Parish Office at 01-4524702 or Bethany member: 087 2852647.
Tuesday Morning Prayer Service
We used to have two priests in our parish (and years ago we also had a parish sister). Now, with the dramatic fall in vocations we have only one priest. As part of the fallout from this we now have no Mass in the parish church on Tuesdays. Instead, we have a service provided by some of our Ministers of the Word and Ministers of the Eucharist. We are grateful to these volunteers for their willingness to provide this service. It has become a necessary but vital part of parish life. The service consists of a penetential rite, reading of the word of God (scripture readings of the day), intercessory prayers and distribution of Holy Communion. No doubt, in future, we will need, and can expect to see further lay involvement in parish ministry.