Firhouse Parish

Parish Contacts

Parish Priest

Fr Peter Reilly

Presbytery 1

1 Ballycullen Avenue

Firhouse  Dublin 24

Phone: (01) 4599855

Mobile in case of emergencies:

087 9746831



Hugh McCahill

Parish Secretary

Jackie Martin

Assistant to Secretary 

Ann Murphy

Parish Office

Ballycullen Avenue, Firhouse, Dublin 24.

Monday - Friday

9.30.a.m. - 4.00.p.m.

Phone: (01) 4524702



Around the Web

Irish Catholic

The Irish Catholic, published weekly, provides a lively mix of news, analysis and informed commentary about the Church and social issues as they affect Ireland and the wider-world.

Today´s Mass Readings

Today's reading

Thought for the Day

A unique reflection from a faith perspective on topical issues and news events. Speakers from across the world´s major faiths offer a spiritual insight rooted in the theology of their own tradition.

The Tablet

Reports on religion, current affairs, politics, social issues, literature and the arts with a special emphasis on Roman Catholicism while remaining ecumenical.



Family Offering Team                                     



The Family Offering Team collect Family Offering Envelopes in street or local area to enable and support the work of the Parish.  


The Family Offering Collection is used to defray the day to day running expenses of the Parish, such as wages, light, heating, insurance as well the Parish contribution to the two Primary Schools.  The Family Offering Team is made up of door to door Collectors, Supervisors and Counters. The Collectors go out every week, very often on cold, wet and windy nights, to an area assigned to them.  The yearly total collected in this way is 75% of the total income so a huge debt of gratitude is due to these women and men.  The Collectors and Supervisors ensure that all boxes are delivered in the last week of November every year so that all contributors have their envelopes on time.


At the moment we need two Collectors for the Hunterswood area.  We also need two Collectors for the Killakee area.  If anyone, with time to spare,would like to help with this very rewarding work please get in touch with the Parish Office.


If you are new to the Parish or not already contributing and would like to do so please leave your name and address at the Parish Office and we will arrange for a Collector to call to you.  You may also contribute by standing order, a very convenient means of contributing that cuts down on a lot of work for our Collectors.


The Parish, like all other Charities, can claim a refund of tax for Parishioners contributing in excess of €250 per annum.  If you have contributed more than €250, paying tax by PAYE and have not already received a CHY2 Cert please ask for one.  We would remind those who have not returned their tax forms to complete them and leave them back to the Parish Office as soon as possible.



If you would like help from any group, or to help them in their work, please contact the parish office: