18th January 2025


About Us

Our Community Teams, and a Little Bit about the History of the Parish of Firhouse and the Carmelite Sisters

Firhouse Pastoral Council

Members of the P.P.C. are:

  • Fr. Peter Reilly
  • Grainne McGuinness – Acting Chairman
  • Louise Brady – Secretary
  • Tony Curran20
  • Anna Prior
  • Marie Whelan
A Bit about the Pastoral Council

The Firhouse Parish Pastoral Council is a Leadership Group working in cooperation with our Parish Priest, Fr Peter Reilly, for the good of the Parish and is inclusive of the groups listed below.

In 1986, the first Parish Pastoral Council was formed in Firhouse, when the then Parish Team (Fr. Con Sayers, Fr. John Dunphy and the Parish Sister Fionnuala O’Sullivan O.P.) invited Parishioners to a Parish Pastoral Planning Meeting.

At that meeting the Team cited the Decree on the “Apostolate of the Laity” of Vatican II as the reason why the laity, by virtue of their Baptism and Confirmation, should play an active part in working with the Priests to promote the Faith Life of the Parish.

Following this meeting a group was formed to represent each area of the parish.  Down through the years a Parish Pastoral Council has been elected every three years to look at, and respond to the Pastoral Needs of the Parish.  Today Firhouse Parish Pastoral Council, continues to work to share the good news of Christ with Parishioners in the Parish of Firhouse.

If you would like help from any group, or to help them in their work, please contact the parish office: olmcfirhouseparish@gmail.com

Bethany Bereavement Support Group

Introduction:  The Bethany Bereavement Support Group supports people or families in the Parish that have suffered bereavement.  It is a voluntary, parish-based ministry of people whose aim is to support others on their grieving journey.  The name Bethany recalls the visit of Jesus to Mary and Martha on the death of their brother Lazarus. The group was started in this parish in the early nineties.

At present there are seven of us working actively in the group:

  • Contact Person: Olive Galvin 087 2852647
  • Geraldine Fox
  • Sheila Madden
  • Noel McEvoy
  • Ann Meade
  • Breeda Murphy
  • Austin Smith

All members have done a ten week training course initially, and we do various updates and training days to keep abreast with current practice.

What We Do:  In Firhouse we visit bereaved people or families in their homes, approximately six to ten weeks following a bereavement.  We also run a “Drop In” centre in The Resource Room at the Main Entrance of the Church, on the third Tuesday of each month from 7.30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m., where bereaved parishioners are welcome to come and talk in confidence.

We organise the Annual Bereavement Liturgy in November.

To conclude may we point out we are not a ‘counselling’ service.  Rather, we are a ‘listening ear’.  If we feel a person needs bereavement counselling, we refer them to such a service.

For a Bereavement Prayer, please click here

If you would like more information, please contact:
Olive – Phone: 087 2852647
, or the Parish Office:  01 4524702

email: olmcfirhouseparish@gmail.com

Our Parish Teams

If you would like help from any group, or if you would like to join one of the groups, please contact the Parish Office at:

Ministry Groups
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Ministers of the Eucharist

Ministers of the Eucharist distribute Holy Communion at all Masses Celebrated in the Parish Church.

At times Ministers of the Eucharist bring Holy Communion to the housebound in the Parish and they bring Holy Communion to the local Sally Park Nursing Home on Sundays.

Ministers of the Word

Ministers of the Word proclaim the Word of God and lead Prayers of the Faithful at Masses and other Liturgical Events and lead the Word of God and Holy Communion Service when no priest is available to say Mass.

Liturgy Committee

The main focus of this group is the weekly parish celebration of the Eucharist as well as special Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter and other celebrations.

We always welcome any new initiatives that would enhance the faith life of the parish. If you have any ideas or concerns do let us know by contacting the Parish Office at 01 4524702


Firhouse Choir & Barbershop Choirmaster:  Ray Ryan sings at Sunday morning 11.30 a.m. Mass.  Firhouse Choir has been singing and inspiring congregations and enchanting audiences for the past 46 years.

Rehearsals are held every Sunday at 11:00 before 11:30 Mass in the Parish Church.

If you would like to join, please come along to the rehearsal or contact Ray Ryan – Phone 01 4514376.

You can also visit the Blue Heaven barbershop website.

Small Christian Prayer Groups

Small Christian Community Groups meet in fellowship to study scripture, to discuss it and pray together.

At the S.C.C. meetings we come together not just as people from the Parish but as Believers and Friends.  A candle is lit to remind us of the confidentiality and trust we share in supporting one another on life’s journey.  Over a cuppa we share the bits and pieces of everyday life.  We then listen prayerfully to the Word of God in the Gospel for the following Sunday.  We reflect on what it might be saying to us in light of what is happening in our own lives, in our country or the World.  We share our reflections and search for ways we can make a difference to improve situations, be it in our personal lives, in our family, our neighbourhood, or the wider society.  The purpose of this is not just to come together to pray which we also do, but it is to follow Christ by expressing an adult faith in action. We end each meeting by praying for individual, parish, national and international needs.

During the week we follow up on any task that comes from the scripture reflection and we take with us six/eight different reflections to the following Sunday, this together with the Priest’s homily makes our Sunday Liturgies more meaningful.For more information on the Small Christian Community groups contact: Theresa 01 4943080 or Mary 01 4517598

Administration Groups
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Finance Committee

The Finance Committee advises the Parish Priest with the Parish Finances and advises in the Financial Management of the Parish.  The Committee meets about four times a year and advises the Parish Priest in relation to the general Finances of the Parish.  It reviews the Accounts and Bank Statements.

Once a year a budget is drawn up and the Committee advise on ways of keeping within the budget.  Any work to be carried out on the Church or Presbytery may also be discussed so that any major expenses can be anticipated and action taken in relation to Fund Raising if necessary. The Committee takes responsibility for the Family Offering Collection.  Records are reviewed on a quarterly basis.

Communications Group

This group is working to update and improve communications in the parish.

Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality/Catering Group organises and prepares refreshments at parish events throughout the year.  It provides light refreshments like tea/coffee and biscuits or lunches of sandwiches, and tea/coffee as appropriate for special functions in the Parish; such as on the occasion of visiting choirs, retirements in the schools, Priests leaving, the Ceremony of Light for Confirmation, and any other occasion that occurs.

We also organise occasional fundraising coffee mornings for charity, e.g. for Pieta House, the Pink Tie or Crumlin Children’s Hospital.

Church Envelope Collectors

The Family Offering Team collect Family Offering Envelopes in street or local area to enable and support the work of the Parish. The Family Offering Collection is used to defray the day to day running expenses of the Parish, such as wages, light, heating, insurance as well the Parish contribution to the two Primary Schools.

The Family Offering Team is made up of door to door Collectors, Supervisors and Counters.  The Collectors go out every week, very often on cold, wet and windy nights, to an area assigned to them.  The yearly total collected in this way is 75% of the total income so a huge debt of gratitude is due to these women and men.  The Collectors and Supervisors ensure that all boxes are delivered in the last week of November every year so that all contributors have their envelopes on time.

If anyone, with time to spare,would like to help with this very rewarding work please get in touch with the Parish Office.

If you are new to the Parish or not already contributing and would like to do so please leave your name and address at the Parish Office and we will arrange for a Collector to call to you.  You may also contribute by standing order, a very convenient means of contributing that cuts down on a lot of work for our Collectors.

The Parish, like all other Charities, can claim a refund of tax for Parishioners contributing in excess of €250 per annum.  If you have contributed more than €250, paying tax by PAYE and have not already received a CHY2 Cert please ask for one. We would remind those who have not returned their tax forms to complete them and leave them back to the Parish Office as soon as possible.

Care of the Church Volunteer Teams
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Care of the Church Group

Care of the Church Group:  His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.” (John 2:17)

Care of the Church Group vacuum, clean and polish in the Church so it continues to be a beautiful place appropriate for worship.  These volunteers get to work, after the 10.00.a.m. Prayer Service on Tuesdays, to vacuum, clean and polish the church so it continues to be a beautiful place, appropriate for worship.

New volunteers are always welcome to join.  Remember, “many hands make light work.”

Church Flower Arrangers

Flowers and Altar Cloths:  Volunteers beautify the altar area of the Church with appropriate flowers for the celebration of Mass and other occasions.

Flowers: Volunteers tend to the flowers for all occasions in our Church.

Altar Cloths: Special care is taken of the Altar Cloths by a volunteer who cleans and prepares them for Mass.

Church Garden Volunteers

Church Gardens/Courtyards Volunteers upgrade and maintain the Church Gardens so God’s creation can enhance our place of worship.

A helping hand or green fingers?  This group of volunteers meet each Monday after 10.00 a.m. Mass for about an hour, to upgrade our church gardens over time – planning, planting, pruning and caring for the plants is an ongoing activity.  The addition of some appropriate garden furnishings and other “fixed assets” enhances the outcome.  The gardens are designated seasonal, one for Spring, one for Summer, one for Autumn and one for Winter so each will look its best at the appropriate time.

Could you help clean, tidy and if you have even slightly green fingers help restore the four gardens to their original Four Seasons themes.  You would be very welcome to join us on Mondays after 10.00.a.m. Mass.

Other Organisations Involved in the Parish
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Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary members give at least two hours per week to serve Christ in the sick, marginalised and needy.

What is it?  The Legion of Mary is an organization for lay Catholics.  Frank Duff founded it in Dublin in 1921 and it now has branches in almost every country in the world.  Its headquarters are in North Brunswick Street Dublin. Frank Duff recognized the important role, which develops in people, through Baptism, to live an Apostolic life; and in the Legion of Mary he provided a structure of prayer and work whereby members can fulfil that role.

What does it entail?  Active membership entails attending a weekly meeting and performing two hours apostolic work each week.  Work is assigned at the meeting and is always done in pairs.  Members place themselves in Our Lady’s hands, recognizing that she has no hands but ours, no feet but ours, no voice but ours to carry out her motherly role of tending Christ´s needs in everybody. Please come along to our meeting on Wednesday morning at 11.30am, VEQ Room, main entrance of Firhouse Church, and see how you too could allow Our Lady continue her work of caring for souls through your generosity of giving her a few hours each week.

Frank Duff A Life Story   Available from ‘Bowman on Sunday’ are Programmes 25 and 26 from the archives on the life and times of Frank Duff.

Visit the Legion of Mary website

St Vincent de Paul

Society of St. Vincent De Paul, Conference of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Firhouse, visits families and individuals in the local area who ask for assistance and offers them financial support and friendship (all visits are confidential).

The Parish Conference was established in 1982.  The original members were Stephen Dollard, John O´Connor, Kevin McMahon and Barbara McDonagh.  Some additional members were brought in from surrounding conferences in Tallaght and Bohernabreena in the early weeks to help get the Conference up and running.  We got great encouragement at the time from the priests of the Parish.  Within a year the conference members were mostly local volunteers and our helpers could all return to their own areas.

The Conference, which is still very active and busy, has been blessed with the continuing encouragement and help of all the priests who have ministered in Firhouse since the Conference was established.  The Carmelite Sisters were also most helpful in allowing our collections to be held outside their chapel.

The Conference acknowledges the tremendous support we have received from the parishioners over the years in our monthly church door and annual Christmas collections.  Without the continued support of the public, the work could not continue.

The Stations of the Cross in the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Parish of Firhouse, were carved by Imogen Stuart and are reproduced here with her kind permission.

Imogen Stuart is one of Ireland’s foremost sculptors and her sculptures may be seen across Ireland in both church and market square, in rarefied academic settings and in private collections.

We, in the Parish of Firhouse, hope that you will benefit from meditating on the Stations of the Cross as now presented.

Our Church is open on Sundays until approximately 1 p.m. and on weekdays following 10.00 a.m. Mass until about 12.00 noon. You are invited to visit our Church, at these times, to view the Stations should you so wish.

Copyright © Imogen Stuart

Please see a bit about the history of the Parish of Firhouse, by Maire Uí Mhurchú, which traces Firhouse being constituted as a Parish on 1 November 1975.

This short history also covers the integral and very important role of the Carmelite Sisters in the community of Firhouse.

The Firhouse Carmelite Monastery is now closed; however, you can view some images of the nuns and the monastery, and read about their valuable contribution to Firhouse.

The Carmelite Order has been in Ireland since the seventeenth century.  Their website is:  https://www.carmelitesisters.ie/

Theatre Social Group

Firhouse Theatre Group (2001) Fostering Community Spirit:  This group contributes to community spirit in Firhouse by enabling people to meet in a neutral venue – a local theatre – for a chat and a pleasant night out.

There are 45 members, joining fee is €10, renewable when funds run out.

We are very lucky to have two Theatres so close to us, The Civic Theatre at the Square, and the Mill in Dundrum. It is a constant battle for these Theatres to fill seats and they really appreciate our help and support.

New members will be made very welcome by the Group and the Theatres.

Contact can be made through the Parish Office, Phone:  01 4524702