8th March 2025


Mass and Confession Times, and Services
Below are the normal Mass and Confession times in the Parish of Firhouse.

To see the full normal Mass Schedule for all three Parishes in the Parish Partnership (Parishes of Firhouse, Bohernabreena and Aylesbury), please click here.

Sunday Mass Times
  • 6.00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass
  • 9.30 am and 11.30 am
Weekday Mass Times
  • 10:00 am
  • Prayer Service on Tuesdays at 10:00 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation – Confession
  • Saturday after 10.00 am Mass; and 5.30 pm – 5.50 pm
  • Before 6 p.m. Vigil Mass by request.
Annual Bereavement Mass

The Annual Bereavement Support Mass in November each year is organised by the Bethany Bereavement Support Group.

Please click here for more information on the Bethany Bereavement Support Group.

First Friday Visits to the Housebound

Holy Communion is brought to our ill or housebound parishioners normally on the First Friday of every month.

If you, or someone you know, would like a First Friday visit, please let us know by contacting the Parish Office at:
01 4524702 or email: olmcfirhouseparish@gmail.com

Chalice with the Precious Blood for Holy Communion

Unfortunately for anyone with gluten/wheat intolerance, the reception of Holy Communion under the species of the Body of Christ (The Host) can have health side effects.

To facilitate anyone with gluten/wheat intolerance we now have separate “gluten-free” hosts which can be received, not from Eucharistic Ministers but from the Priest.

Weekly Eucharistic Adoration

We have Eucharistic Adoration every Friday for approximately one hour from 10:40 am (after 10:00 Mass) until 11:30 am.

All are welcome for quiet prayer.

Private Prayer

Church will be open for Private Prayer:

  • Monday- Friday 10:40 am (Approx) to 12 Noon
  • Saturday 10:40 am (Approx) to 11:00 am

Please use the main entrance to the Church

Morning and Evening Prayer

The Monday Evening Rosary takes place in the church every Monday evening at 6pm. Its main intention is to pray for the return to faith and practice of our children and grandchildren, something we’re all so conscious of nowadays. We also pray for other special intentions, and everyone is most welcome to send in their requests. Please join us! The time may be inconvenient for you, but isn’t that a small sacrifice to pay for such a vital intention?

Weekday Morning Rosary: After 10.00 am Mass each morning the Rosary is prayed by an ad-hoc group of parishioners at the back of the church. Anyone who would like to join in is very welcome.

Tuesday Morning Prayer Service

There is no Mass in the parish church on Tuesdays.   Instead, we have a service provided by some of our Ministers of the Word and Ministers of the Eucharist. We are grateful to these volunteers for their willingness to provide this service.   It has become a necessary but vital part of parish life.

The service consists of a penitential rite, reading of the word of God (scripture readings of the day), intercessory prayers and distribution of Holy Communion.  No doubt, in future, we will need, and can expect to see further lay involvement in parish ministry.

Miraculous Medal Novena

Every Monday after 10.00 am Mass we have this short novena consisting of four special prayers and prayer for our own intentions.