10th March 2025


Non-Parish Supports and Charities


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ACCORD Dublin has a new website

For Sacramental Marriage Preparation Courses, or for Marriage and Relationship Counselling please visit: www.accorddublin.ie

Saint Joseph's Shankill - Caring for Carers

Saint Joseph’s Shankill – Caring for Carers

Caring for Carers training courses: South Dublin/Wicklow Saint Joseph’s Shankill will run Caring for Carers training courses over the next six months specifically for family carers’ in the South Dublin/Wicklow area who look after people living with dementia at home. The training courses will be free of charge.

For more information or to register your interest, contact Teresa – Tel: 01 2823000 or 087 2342420

E-mail: teresa.mooney@sjog.ie

Website: https://saintjosephsshankill.ie/

Third Age - Senior Help Line

Senior Help Line is a confidential listening service for older people provided by trained older volunteers for the price of a local call anywhere in Ireland,

LoCall 1850 440444

Senior Help Line has trained older volunteers to offer a friendly, listening and non-judgmental ear to all callers.

Contact the Parish Office for details: olmcfirhouseparish@gmail.com

Men, Women - Divorced, Separated or Widowed

Beginning Experience (B.E.) might help!  Few people are able to cope alone with the pain of loss. Do you find that you need more support than family and friends can provide? Seeking help is a sign of strength and self-knowledge – not weakness. This is a healing ministry, which helps to resolve the grief that goes with the end of a marriage or relationship. Coping effectively with bereavement is a skill we can all learn.

B.E. (“Beginning Experience”) is an organisation that can help by linking you with a team, who are themselves widowed, separated or divorced share their experiences with you.

Contact the Parish Office for details: olmcfirhouseparish@gmail.com


Crosscare Connections is a service for people who are alone at home – perhaps an older person, a family carer or a person with a disability who might welcome some company.  This service is simply the gift of time and friendship to reduce loneliness and a sense of isolation.  If you know of anyone interested in availing of this service, or if you would like to volunteer to visit someone, please call us at: 01 4526564

website: www.crosscare.ie

Crosscare Carer Support Programme offers a safe and supportive space for any person in a caring role.  Our aim is to improve the quality of life for family carers and parents caring for children with special needs.  We will run lots of services like local support groups, coffee mornings, stress management and relaxation classes, amongst other things.  If you are interested please phone: 01 4626564, or email: rdaynes@crosscare.ie


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Used Stamps

Put your stamp on the foreign missions: The Carmelite Fathers in our neighbouring Parish, Knocklyon, collect used stamps for their missions. Please collect yours and drop them into the Parish Office.

Used Cans

Can you Help?   Many thanks to those who continue to drop cans into the driveway of 66 Monalea Wood.  The money raised goes to the most needy in 3rd world countries.  You can now include tin cans (including biscuit tins etc.)

Copper Collection
Can you Help?: “Take care of the pennies (or cents) and the pounds (or Euro) will take care of themselves.” To help Parish finances painlessly why not bring loose copper coins that are gathering (and gathering dust) in your home to the Parish Office or Sacristy for our Copper Coin Collection any time.

Thank you.